The Ontario government has increased the maximum percentage that a landlord can increase the rent for tenants without approval from the Landlord and Tenant Board. Tenants across Ontario can expect to see a 2.2% increase in their rent for 2020.
This rental increase is pursuant to the annual Rent Increase Guideline, which indicates an increased or decreased percentage based on the Ontario Consumer Price Index which measures inflation and economic conditions.
Landlords should be aware that increases cannot be imposed on tenants without a Landlord and Tenant Board approved form which provides the tenant with 90 days notice of the rental increase. Rental increases cannot be issued within the first twelve months of the tenancy and can only be issued once for every twelve month period. If a Landlord has issued an illegal rental increase, even if the tenant agreed to it, the tenant is entitled to a rebate of the overcharged rent.
For exceptions to the 2.2% rental increase please see the Landlord and Tenant Board Brochure: 2020 Rent Increase Guideline.
